Marcelo Perez

Full-Stack Developer

24 year old Software Engineer based on Paraguay. Tech enthusiast trying to keep up with the industry. Currently working as a Full-Stack Developer, focusing on Hybrid Mobile Development with React Native

My Stack
My Projects
TCG PokedexReact App that shows Pokemon Cards consuming REST API
N-Queens SimulatorWebsite to visualize and compare different aproaches to solve the N-Queens problem such as backtracking and stochastic algorithms. This project was done with vanilla HTML and Javascript
Silver JourneyMobile App to keep your language learning progress. It lets you add activities, create a schedule and remind you of your planned activities. Built with React Native and testable through Expo Go
Educational Background
1July 2020
NodeJS CourseCoursera
2July 2020
ReactJS CourseCoursera
32017 - 2022 (Hopefully)
Computer Science EngineeringFacultad Politecnica - Universidad Nacional de AsunciĆ³n

This site was built with Next.JS. Checkout the source code at Github